IT Pharma talks with Dr. María José Álvarez, Specialist in aesthetic medicine and hair treatments, about the effects of the pandemic and Covid-19 in many cases of alopecia.
There are more than a hundred types of alopecia, among which androgenic alopecia is the most common and occurs in more than 50% of men around 40 years of age, and increases to 80% after 60. In This interview with Dr. Álvarez solves doubts about the factors that affect hair loss, how we should take care of our hair, myths about hair loss or what are the most recommended medical and professional treatments.
“My father is bald, therefore I’m going to go bald. ‘That is not true today, says Álvarez, there are many tools that we can use so that this does not happen, it is a false myth. Today I would say that, Starting from certain cases that are practically impossible, most people do not have to go bald – emphasizes the doctor.
Topics such as the side effects of Finasteride or Minoxidil, effective cabin treatments such as Inbiohair or Dr. Cyj or how it can affect diet or stress, are some of the issues that the doctor explains in this interview conducted by the Navarrese cosmetic brand and professional aesthetic medicine.
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